Baldwin County, Alabama

During the War Fort Morgan was the site of a fierce battle in August, 1864, when Federal Union Admiral Farragut entered Baldwin / Mobile Bay to seal off Confederate shipping from Baldwin /Mobile Harbor. The Tecumseh, a Federal Ironclad, struck a mine and sank during the fighting in a narrow inlet where it still lies with its entombed crew near Fort Morgan. In the final days of the War, Baldwin County saw its portion of land engagements as Union General Canby attempted to break through the formidable Mobile Defenses. Numerous skirmishes occurred in the northern portion of the county. The Spanish Fort region went under siege, with Fort McDermott receiving approximately 48 hours of constant bombardment. On April 9, 1865, Union Forces mounted a final assault on an area known as Fort Blakely. This abandoned village turned earthwork fortress saw tragic heavy fighting in the final hours of of the war. It is estimated that a total of 4,475 soldiers were killed or wounded in this final engagement.

Military Units Formed in Baldwin County

  • Alabama 1st Cavalry Regiment, Company G "Pope Walker Rangers"
  • Alabama 4th Cavalry Regiment (Russell's)Company A "Pope Walker Rangers"
  • Alabama 4th Artillery Battalion, Company C. "Barbour Artillery"
  • 15th Confederate Cavalry, Company C "Baldwin Rangers"
  • 15th Confederate Cavalry, Company H "John W. Murrell's Company / Dorance Rangers"
  • Alabama 21st Infantry Regiment, Company F "Baldwin Blues"
  • Alabama 23rd Infantry Regiment, Company I
  • Alabama 32nd Infantry Regiment, Company C
  • Alabama Infantry Independent Company "Baldwin Star Rangers"
  • Alabama Coast Guard, Company A

  • Seven Historical Sketch and Roster volumes are available for researching the men of Baldwin County, Alabama in the Civil War. The battles in Baldwin County are covered in The Official Records, The Official Records, Naval Subset, and Confederate Military History - Alabama Volume.
  • Historical Sketch & Roster of the Alabama 1st Cavalry Regiment
  • Historical Sketch & Roster of the Alabama 4th Cavalry Regiment (Russell's)
  • Historical Sketch & Roster of the Alabama 21st Infantry Regiment
  • Historical Sketch & Roster of the Alabama 23rd Infantry Regiment
  • Historical Sketch & Roster of the Alabama 32nd Infantry Regiment
  • Historical Sketch & Roster of the 15th Confederate Cavalry Regiment

  • You can save 50% off the regular price when you purchase all seven of these volumes on CD-ROM or EBOOK or save $25 off the price of the paper volumes.

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