South Carolina 14th Infantry Regiment

Historical Notes:
In response to a call from President Davis, about the 1st of July, 1861, a large number of infantry companies, from all quarters of South Carolina, rendevoused at Columbia, South Carolina. Here they were placed in a camp of instruction, at Lightwoodknot Springs, about five miles from Columbia, and allowed to arrange themselves in regiments of ten companies and elect field-officers. The third regiment so formed was numbered as the Fourteenth South Carolina volunteers, and elected the following officers;

Jones, James, Colonel
McGowan, Samuel, Colonel
Simpson, W. D., Major

A portion of the companies composing the 14th were rendezvoused at Aiken, whither the remaining ones were carried from Lightwoodknot Springs, and the whole retained at Aiken, in camp of instruction for a time.

It was ordered to the coast in the autumn where it was brigaded as related [combined with the 12th, and 13th under the command of Brig. Gen. Gregg].

This regiment was under fire of gunboats near Pocotaligo, on the first of January, 1862, the only one of the brigade, therefore, ever actually and certainly engaged, up to the summer campaign of 1862. It was thought that the enemy were attempting to land upon and occupy that point of the coast, and this regiment was sent to prevent it. The Federals had landed, but on their approach re-embarked under cover of gunboats. These latter opened upon the Fourteenth when it arrived within range. One shell exploded in the ranks, killing nine and wounding fifteen. This was the only action in which they participated at this period. They did not themselves have an opportunity to fire.


A History of Company K

A detailed history of this regiment may be found in The History of a Brigade of South Carolinians.
Joseph N. Brown
James Jones
Samuel McGowan
Abner M. Perrin
Lieutenant Colonels:
Edward Croft
William D. Simpson
William J. Carter
Henry H. Harper.

Maxcey Gregg's (2nd) Brigade - Ambrose Powell Hill's Division - Army of Northern Virginia
McGowan’s Brigade – Jan. 20, 1863.
McGowan's Brigade under the command of Brigadier General Abner Perrin. McGowan's Brigade was part of Wilcox's Division (Cadmus Wilcox). This Division is in A.P. Hill's (3rd) Corps. – September 30, 1863.
Port Royal Ferry (1 JAN 1862)
Seven Days Battles VA (25 JUN - 1 JUL 1862)
2nd Manassas VA (28 - 30 AUG 1862)
Chantilly VA (1 SEP 1862)
Sharpsburg VA (17 SEP 1862)
Shepherdstown Ford (20 SEP 1862)
Fredericksburg VA (13 DEC 1862)
Chancellorsville (1-4 MAY 1863)
Gettysburg PA (1-3 JUL 1863)
Falling Waters (14 JUL 1863)
Bristoe Campaign (9 - 22 OCT 1863)
Mine Run Campaign VA (NOV - DEC 1863)
The Wilderness VA (5 - 6 MAY 1864)
Spotsylvania Court House VA (8 - 21 MAY 1864)
North Anna VA (23 - 26 MAY 1864)
Cold Harbor VA (1 - 3 JUN 1864)
Petersburg Siege VA (JUN 1864 - APR 1865)
First Squirrel Level Road VA (30 SEP 1864)
Five Forks VA (1 APR 1865)
Appomattox Court House VA (9 APR 1865)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 2218 men.

Company A - Darlington County - "Lynch's Creek Guards"
Company B - Edgefield County - "Dearing Guards"
Company C - Laurens County - "Raiborn Company"
Company D - Edgefield County - "Edgefield Rifles"
Company E - Laurens County - "Enoree Mosquitoes"
Company F - Laurens County - "Carolina Bees"
Company G - Abbeville County
Company H - Barnwell County - "Ryan's Guards"
Company I - Abbeville County - "McCalla's Rifles"
Company K - Edgefield County - "Meeting Street Saludas"
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research